Thursday, 26 August 2010

Since midnight last night until 6pm this evening we have had 35.4mm of rain - this brings the monthly total for August to 111.8mm!

To put this in some context - in the whole of August last year East Anglia had 34.3mm.  So in the last 18 hours we have had more rain than in the whole of August last year.

The average rainfall in August in East Anglia in the last 30 years is 55mm, so we have already had double this...

...and our bales are now getting wet!  We have been desperately trying to keep them dry, particularly on the top but there has just been so much rain in a relatively short space of time.  We will now wait until it has stopped raining and we have got the roof complete before carrying out an assessment to see what the damage is.  Until then sadly more heavy rain is forecast tonight...

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